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. . . ’cause if you’re in nonprofits, you know, we just go
We aspire for this to be truth telling by, for and about the nonprofit sector. After a brief “new grandparent hiatus”, we will return to a monthly sharing of stories about the people, the drama, the dynamics of the nonprofit sector. The genesis of this podcast show was pre-COVID, but obviously we continue to navigate this moment , and many of the first shows honor that reality. The show focuses on the guests — occasionally consists of a quick review of news and books, “blue” to “red”connections, and quizzes for people that work in nonprofits. The podcast name? Get one thing right, if you are in a nonprofit, you just “go”.
Shelter in a Pandemic? An NGO Executive Director Interview | Ep #1

A nonprofit leader speaks about power dynamics – including Boards & Funders. Conversation explores the relationship between a leader & the many stakeholders in a nonprofit leadership world. Layer on a pandemic & yes nonprofit leadership…
NGO A Go Go Trailer

Welcome to the NGO A Go Go Podcast. If you’re in nonprofits, you know, we just go! For more information and available downloads, go to