Alison Lingane has dedicated her career to enabling business to be a force for good. She is the co-founder of Project Equity, a national leader in the movement to harness employee ownership to maintain thriving local business communities, create quality jobs, and address income and wealth inequality. Her passion for creating quality jobs and an economy that works for everyone was fueled in her early career by her role designing and leading micro-enterprise programs for urban youth.
Alison spent 15 years in senior leadership roles in mission-driven companies that are designed to create human impact at scale. She now brings those scaling lessons back full circle to her work at Project Equity, turning businesses into community change agents through employee ownership.
Alison has her B.A. from Harvard University and her MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. She has been selected as an Echoing Green Fellow, an Aspen Institute Job Quality Fellow and an Ashoka Fellow.
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